Tuesday, November 21, 2017

6 Tips to Undo Skin, Hair and Nail Winter Damage

Winter is coming—and so are all the beauty damage it brings. That feeling of dry, tight skin, brittle nails, chapped lips and limp locks is not so appealing.
Here are the need-to-know tips to repair winter skin issues fast—and effectively!

The Culprit
Your body feels dry because winter air strips your skin’s moisture. But did you know your indoor environment is also one to blame? Indoor air tends to be so dry that it can cause your skin and hair to lose its moisture, especially when you set it to high temperature. Showering for too long in hot water can also dehydrate your skin more than before you shower.

Keep showers cool
A 5-minute long, warm or lukewarm shower is best to maintain your skin and hair’s moisture. Longer showers in hot water will end up dehydrating your skin.

Condition Hair
Shampoo less to avoid drying hair and use conditioner after every shampoo to improve weathered hair and to keep it strong.

Practice a Protective Fashion
Always wear hat, scarf, and gloves to prevent windburn and to protect your hair and nails from too much exposure to cold air.

Eat healthy food
Food rich in omega-3 fatty acids like fish help maintain your skin and hair healthy.  Dark leafy greens like spinach are packed with vitamin c that helps boost your immune system and iron that not only protects your skin and hair from dullness but also prevents vertical stripes to form on your nails.

Moisturizer’s job is to seal water on your skin, hair and nails to keep them hydrated. Oil-based moisturizers can better keep skin hydrated. Use lotions with urea to help hold moisture in the cuticles.

Watch out for warning signs
Your skin, hair and nails will show signs if damages persist despite your efforts. Visit your dermatologist if the following symptoms occur:
1.       Too much itching
2.       Rashes
3.       Flaky and cracked skin
4.       Red swollen skin
5.       Persistent peeling on scalp
6.       Brittle nails and cracked cuticles

Plan protection from winter. Visit your dermatologist to know which care fits your skin, hair and nails.