Tuesday, November 21, 2017

6 Tips to Undo Skin, Hair and Nail Winter Damage

Winter is coming—and so are all the beauty damage it brings. That feeling of dry, tight skin, brittle nails, chapped lips and limp locks is not so appealing.
Here are the need-to-know tips to repair winter skin issues fast—and effectively!

The Culprit
Your body feels dry because winter air strips your skin’s moisture. But did you know your indoor environment is also one to blame? Indoor air tends to be so dry that it can cause your skin and hair to lose its moisture, especially when you set it to high temperature. Showering for too long in hot water can also dehydrate your skin more than before you shower.

Keep showers cool
A 5-minute long, warm or lukewarm shower is best to maintain your skin and hair’s moisture. Longer showers in hot water will end up dehydrating your skin.

Condition Hair
Shampoo less to avoid drying hair and use conditioner after every shampoo to improve weathered hair and to keep it strong.

Practice a Protective Fashion
Always wear hat, scarf, and gloves to prevent windburn and to protect your hair and nails from too much exposure to cold air.

Eat healthy food
Food rich in omega-3 fatty acids like fish help maintain your skin and hair healthy.  Dark leafy greens like spinach are packed with vitamin c that helps boost your immune system and iron that not only protects your skin and hair from dullness but also prevents vertical stripes to form on your nails.

Moisturizer’s job is to seal water on your skin, hair and nails to keep them hydrated. Oil-based moisturizers can better keep skin hydrated. Use lotions with urea to help hold moisture in the cuticles.

Watch out for warning signs
Your skin, hair and nails will show signs if damages persist despite your efforts. Visit your dermatologist if the following symptoms occur:
1.       Too much itching
2.       Rashes
3.       Flaky and cracked skin
4.       Red swollen skin
5.       Persistent peeling on scalp
6.       Brittle nails and cracked cuticles

Plan protection from winter. Visit your dermatologist to know which care fits your skin, hair and nails.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Skin Care and Treatment | 5 Skin Care Trick and Treats Before and After the Heavy Halloween Makeup

With Halloween just a few days away, we’re prepping for a really fun and spooky night. Our Halloween outfit is primed to be photo-ready. But is your skin ready for the heavy makeup? Here are 5 tips to make your skin ready for Halloween makeup.

Call Katz Dermatology today at 301-881-4124 or visit www.katzdermatology.com to learn more about proper skin care no matter what the season.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Skin Care and Treatment | Youthful and Glowing Skin

Don’t rely on temporary and instant beauty. Achieve a healthy and youthful glow from within. Call Katz Dermatology at 301-881-4124 or visit http://www.katzdermatology.com/ and schedule an appointment today.

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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Dermatologist in Rockville MD | Katz Dermatology

Katz Dermatology provides the best skin care and treatment for all ages in Maryland. We commit ourselves on providing the community with the best dermatological services for all ages from infants to the elderly. Call us today.

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Monday, July 17, 2017

Skin Care and Treatment | Summer Sun Safety Tips

Skin Care and Treatment | Summer Sun Safety Tips

Got a vacation coming up or a plan to spend time in the sunshine? We've got you covered. Protect your skin from the sun with these summer sun safety tips.

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

How do your Skin Care Products Work?

Learn what your product does to your skin.

It is important to visit your dermatologist if you have a skin problem and don't rely on hearsays. Katz Dermatology offers the best dermatology in Maryland, based on facts and scientific studies. Call us today to at 301-881-4124 or visit http://katzdermatology.com and register an account.

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Friday, March 31, 2017

5 Skin Care Habits That You are Doing Wrong

There are a plenty of rumors, beliefs, and misconceptions about skin care that are even passed down to generation. Some are said to be modern technology based myths but put your skin at risk of being damaged.

It is important to visit your dermatologist if you have a skin problem and don't rely on hearsays. Katz Dermatology offers the best dermatology in Maryland, based on facts and scientific studies. Call us today to at 301-881-4124 or visit www.katzdermatology.com and register an account.

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Friday, March 17, 2017

Here's another DIY Face Mask approved by dermatologists.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Don't forget to spring forward :)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Aging is beautiful if you prepare for it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever.
~ Audre Lorde
Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday, January 27, 2017

Katz Dermatology offers varieties of acne treatment. Call us today to know which best fits your skin.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Get Kissable Lips with our high quality services. Discounted for a limited time only.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Only number ages.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Katz Dermatology General Dermatology in Rockville, Maryland

The skin is the most exposed organ of the body, making it more prone to infections and diseases. Katz Dermatology has a wide range of solutions for various skin conditions from all ages, from infants to the elderly.

Katz Dermatology is committed to serving the community with the best general dermatology services. Contact us today at 301-881-4124 or visit http://katzdermatology.com to set your appointment.

Don't forget to follow us on Social Media:

Monday, January 9, 2017

Call us today to experience the 40 years of high quality service.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Get rejuvenated with our high quality services. Call us today to set your appointment.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Cosmetic Dermatology - Youthful Look MD

I bet you have asked why some people don't seem to age. It could be they found the fountain of youth or good genes, but one thing is for sure taking care of your skin does a lot of wonders.

There may be no fountain of youth or you may not have been blessed with flawless skin, but a dermatologist is your best friend when it comes to taking care of your skin. *Cosmetic Dermatology* has been there to help you maintain that beautiful and glowing skin. Katz Dermatology *MD* provides a wide range of cosmetic dermatology services.

If you have questions or you want to set an appointment, call us today at 301-881-4124. You may also visit us at http://katzdermatology.com to learn more about our services.

Learn more about cosmetic dermatology at http://katzdermatology.com?c=1QIAP02

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